Sunday, June 12, 2011

Vehicle Pollution

If you're a fellow resident of Laredo, then you'd understand my grievances I have with this city and it's civilians, cops but most of all, drivers. I mean, anywhere I'd go it's the same thing right? I mean come on, it's Texas. Don't complain about Laredo, because everywhere you go, it will be the same thing but with other races and different cultural backgrounds. But what is it with Laredo that drives people insane?

To tell you the truth, I wouldn't want to move out of here 'cause this place is so boring I find it exciting to get out of here. If I were residing in an exciting place, I'd be bored easily. Also because a person from Laredo has a gravitational pull back that attracts them back to their hometown so they'll be back for some reason and find that they're more comfortable here than that other place you went. Why is that though? My main criticism about Laredo is the drivers and the fuckers who think they're so cool playing their music in their car. You can't afford a regular boom-box but you can afford a pimped out car? Fucking assholes.

So to continue, currently, Laredo has had two victories, politically I mean. So far, people were criticizing our politicians, for many things of course, but two that will come up on everybody's mind is the lack of a bookstore and the drive-thru's/pole dancers. Two victories there last month, in the same week for Mayor Raul Salinas. A book store is now open where the previous one was plus if the dancers outside the drive-thrus are seen dancing, will be heavily penalized with a hefty fine.

I just have to say wow and all this time I was beginning to think he was only a ribbon slasher where no ribbon in sight will be left behind. He is with every citizen, every step of the way. But honestly, I feel cheated. Fuck, if we can get rid of strippers outside a drive-thru, we can get rid of people period! So I decided to write him a letter, fuck it you know? I discussed about my own disputes to bring to the table about it's citizens. If Mami Chula's aren't safe from criticism then why not it's own people?

Dear Mayor Raul Salinas...

Hello Mr. Salinas, let me begin to congratulate you on your two previous victories by shutting up those, for the lack of a better word, bitches and for actually pursuing different companies to establish a bookstore here in Laredo and succeeded. Mayor Salinas, you have pulled through for all the angry citizens here in this town, such as the people who were mad at the look our city got because of the lack of a bookstore, and in addition to the people who lack the capacity to achieve a raging hard-on. Way to go! Everything that you've done is great, for the most part. 

What isn't covered by for the most part SUCKS! (Greenberg rip-off). Every grievance that I am going to express deals with vehicles and their ignorant self-absorbed owners who lack compassion for their fellow drivers in the road and the ears of the people surrounding their vehicle.

First of all, it's been years of complaining from people and you have yet to fix the increasing problem of noise pollution infesting our city of Laredo. I mean, if you managed to defeat Mami Chulas, why not this? You know what I loathe, Mr. Salinas? Waking up at four o'clock in the morning because of the plaguing of every car's bass, and I know I don't speak for myself but every hard-working person from Laredo who has to wake up at 7 in the morning for work has to endure this, yet you have not managed to fix this situation. You of all people, should know that this is so horribly annoying.

Another personal frustration are the drivers who's driving resembles that close to the driving of a person who is mentally retarded. In fact, I shouldn't even compare them to people who are suffering from that because those drivers are FUCKING TERRIBLE and should've never been issued a driver's license. I hate having to go down at an H-E-B to watch some jerks pass by speeding to get to the other side of the street quickly. That, as I remember, is a crime, and why hasn't anything been done? You should really enforce this law. I hate the fact that people do this but because their neighbor's-cousin's-brother's-nephew's-prima's-cuñada is a police officer, they get away with it. I mean what is up with that? Tell your officers to grow a pair and let their family enjoy a good stay in jail for a day (or two). But then again, I'm pretty sure you and your fellow colleagues have done this as well and to me, that is very unprofessional because you are here to uphold the law, not find the loopholes and break it.

I know you won't do anything about this one but it bites my ass like a tick; last but not least, why do drivers have to have their high beams on at 6 o'clock no less?! I suffer from migraine headaches and any slight disturbance will set them off and you know how annoying it is to have a huge Chevy with loud basses and their high-beams on to the maximum point. Honestly, that makes me want to get off my car, grab my crow-bar and smash their vehicle's glass windows and lights and shove a bat straight up their rectums and turn them into a tootsie pop, but unfortunately none of my family members or neighbors, cousins, grandparents, brothers are police officers so I can't get away with it.

So Mr. Mayor, I ask you to please do something about this and I really doubt you will, but if it can be done enforce it!

Sincerely yours,
Hugo G. Rivera.

Thank you for reading!

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