Sunday, October 30, 2011

Capcom... fuck Capcom!

Well it's been since forever since I've logged in here... months to be honest! It's not that I've not been wanting to post anything, but it's just that I don't have enough time. Maybe I'll post an album or something, but whenever I get the chance I'll post something dealing with recent news. I have been keeping up with everything up to date and a lot has happened since we've been here.

Gays are allowed to marry now in the state of New York! Can you believe that? I was happy for them when I heard those news, one more step ahead in America. I was stuck to the news the entire time it was on, but when a camera caught four guys making out with each other in back of a person being interviewed, my initial thought was I wonder who's gonna be marrying who? Another thing was, some of the people being interviewed were the dumbest people alive with comments such as "No state allows gays and lesbians to be married, and now we have rights", it's like, moron you have fucking rights. Also, if you want a state that can marry you, just go to Connecticut, next door to New York. Connecticut doesn't give a fuck if your gay or not, you're allowed to marry who you love. Anyway, I'm happy for them.

The real reason why I'm here is something that's been picking my ass like an ingrown hair turned white head... Capcom. FUCKING CAPCOM. I'm not an extreme die hard Capcom fan, but seriously, those people can go to hell. Capcom was a vagina everybody wanted to fuck, now they're the vagina people are trying to get away from but simply just can't because it's still out there and it's somewhat interesting.

Oh yeah... I went there alright.

We all saw this coming. Marvel vs. Capcom 3, to me, was just a gigantic mistake of biblical proportions. I mean, but what do you expect? The game took a year to be made, so for sure there's going to be a few mistakes, but did we expect them to be at this altitude of horrible? I don't think so. The game play is awesome, you can bet on that, but everything about the game just overblown sucks! So forgive me when I say, that I saw an Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to be made, but not titled Ultimate I imagined something like Super.

When the news hit that there was going to be a game like that to be made, I wasn't surprised at all. In fact, I slightly jizzed myself because really the first game was a bastard child and had to be beaten severely so it can be understood. This is what happened in this case. But what I'm more bothered is that it got me to think. It got me to think clearly, clearer that I've ever thought before, and I'll tell you this; FUCK CAPCOM.

What was so hard about just adding downloadable content to the original game? There's nothing wrong with that, so why go through the hassle, for us the gamers, to make another fucking game and just discount ten dollars from it? It makes no sense! It's stupid as hell, and I'm just bothered by it. I mean, if Modern Warfare or Black Ops and any other game can still make stuff for their games, why does Capcom have to release an entire new game and just completely send their last game to scraps. Fucking greedy rats.

What bothers me more is their stupid excuse to make this new game. They blamed that tsunami incident as the reason as to why the original can't be updated... now that's just plain evil. To think that Capcom actually believes their fans are that dumb, is beyond me. Think about this, no corporation, developer or anyone else in business whatsoever, saves all their memory on hard copies. We've got cyberspace now! Every business saves all their back-up data on the internet while having their other data on a hard copy. It's stupid for them to use this as an excuse, because families were hurt by this. What can we say, Capcom is evil.

Well, to end this, I've reserved the game, but sold my original copy. I now owe just ten dollars for the game with the original copy sold. I don't want to keep something outdated on my list of video games I own. This raises questions to that certain topic though. A friend of mine and I argued as to what can you classify as an outdated game. So, what can you classify as an outdated game?

He argued that games shouldn't be considered outdated because classics can't die, which I understand. I downloaded some of my old NES, SNES and N64 games from the virtual console to my Wii as well as PS1 games to my PS3, but that to me isn't outdated. With the way games are going on these days, all the troublesome downloadable content bullshit comes to my argument as to what should be considered to be an outdated game. My classification of an outdated game is when game developers don't update anything at all in their games, which Capcom is guilty of doing so. Street Fighter IV was dropped entirely right after the release of Super Street Fighter IV, and now they're probably going to drop every single thing from it with the new downloadable release of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, so fuck that.

I will also be holding my wallet from buying Street Fighter x Tekken because I'm sure they will update that game in a matter of months. What I am looking forward to is at least a possible light as to whether there's any chance for a new addition to the Capcom vs. SNK series. Now that would be some great news to hear after the disappointment the King of Fighters series have become. Anyway, that's it for now, hopefully I'll be back soon.

Thanks for reading!!!

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