Friday, June 3, 2011

Wow, CDC, you just made my day.

Well it's been a whole two weeks without posting something and I bet you motherfuckers are so happy to have been free from the clutches of my posts! Maybe you really didn't think about it, but I have nothing to write about... really. I mean I've tried and tried countless of times, but obviously nothing comes to mind so I have like four drafts saved. Don't you worry though, I know what I have in mind, now all I need to do is to just type it, but I can't because I just started working. Yes, I just started working with my dad's electric company and it's a pain in the ass 'cause it's so time consuming.

Although I've been working all this time, I've had like a bunch of ideas of what to write here. I tried writing a letter to Casey Anthony, the murderous bitch who killed her baby, Charlie Manson, and Sylvia Browne but it all went to hell. You know, that bitch actually thought she knew why Harold Camping got the Rapture date wrong? I mean, sure the guy fucked up and now says that Rapture isn't going to end in October, it's going to being in that month and honestly it's absurd! Even though I feel that way, Sylvia Browne is no one to criticize or even try to correct someone else!
Who does she think she is, Chuck Norris?!
I don't think so, filthy yeast-infected bitch.

By the way, Harold Camping came out of hiding and I finally was able to send him my letter. Anyway, so today, my dad gave me the day off because we lacked a long ladder that he was in possession of and my truck was too small for it to fit but I'm really upset 'cause now that means that I'll be working tomorrow instead. First thing I did was drink my cappuccino from the Stripes, but it tasted like shit so I threw it away. I played my I Wish My Brother George Was Here album by Del tha Funky Homosapien and then stumbled to what just made my day.

I love zombies so much, I wish I had one of my own!
According to The Walking Dead Facebook page, the Center For Disease and Control Prevention, actually posted on their blog-site what to do, prior, a zombie outbreak! Now, personally, I love zombies. The weird thing about it is that whenever I watch a zombie movie, I get hungry. I don't know, I just get really hungry afterwards. This is pretty cool though, the CDC actually acknowledges the fact that there could be a zombie outbreak. Could they be the ones that decided to create one or were they informed or persuaded by people to make one? Now, personally, I love zombies. From movies such as Dawn of the Dead, books comparatively to I Am Legend (vampiric zombies nonetheless), and even TV shows such as the recent The Walking Dead and of course video games similar to the Resident Evil series!

Pretty much, anything that fits the zombie criteria, I'll most likely like it. The history behind zombies as well is just fascinating especially the stories behind the mediums mentioned are just chilling considering that it could either be the works of Black Magic or a disease. I mean, don't you get chills behind your neck when you think about it? Come on, unlike most of the monsters in Hollywood, where the characters are in search to destroy the monster, these monsters are in preying instead and the characters have to seek survival.

But see, this is the thing that gets to me. I've read from books to articles about "Zombie Preventions" such as the Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead which is one of the books that actually contains on what to do if such catastrophe actually were to exist. Honestly, for it to be only a humorous book written for kicks, it gives great tips, but this isn't what I'm getting to. Besides, I already knew what to avoid and what to obtain or where to travel. The thing I'm getting to is how people are actually just waiting for that one day to happen. Certain individuals are quite existent about this. What can you possibly do though? In this day and age anything can happen. Back in the late 70's, early 80's, people doubted that the Muslims would achieve power and look at them now! Saudi Arabia is thriving with money (and blooming in poverty!, just ask my friend Jaime) when the Red scare was high. The comparison isn't irrelevant, in fact, think about it. If something that probably like that was unlikely, look at this now. I'm not saying it will happen, but people are terrified if such occasion would occur that the CDC had to come in and slap society in the face and yell "calm the fuck down woman!".

In the end, repeating myself, I can't clearly state that it won't happen, but the fact that people are frightened makes it much more humorous. Underneath is the link and I think you'll be interested in reading!

CDC Zombie Survival Steps

Thanks for reading!!!

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